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Recursos twinkle

Twinkle es una página llena de recursos muy interesantes para todos los cursos y todas las áreas. Es una página de pago para el maestro o lo...

miércoles, 6 de mayo de 2020

You all are invited to my party!!

Hi everyone!! You already know that birthdays are very special days for me. My intention always is drawing a smile on your faces, making you as happy as possible on these weird days of quarantine. Today is mine!! I'm 39 today (yes, I see, the last of my thirties). However, despite of being spending this birthday at home, far from you, I feel you closer than ever. I miss you all, and I'm looking forward to enjoying you face-to-face soon. I love you. This message is a way to celebrate life, and wishing you the best I am able to.

3 comentarios:

  1. Happy birthday, teacher Rocío!!!!!!
    Today is your day!!!!!
    Smile and to be happy!!!!!

  2. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  3. Happy birthday to you!!Happy birthday to you!!♥️♥️
